Furniture design

Tables with sink for the bathroom

Selecting the right bathroom furniture, many are limited in choice due to the small size of the room. To help out in this case, can stand, combined with a washbasin, a setting which will save valuable square inches of the room. Let’s see what are the cabinets in the bathroom, what materials they do and how to choose the right model for your home.



The Cabinet, which is combined with a washbasin, a multifunctional set:

  • First, it is the furniture in the bathroom.
  • Secondly, this is a decorative item, which can be used to hide flaws or repairs unsightly sewer pipes.
  • Thirdly, it is a place to store large and small items, such as gloves, cosmetics, detergents, rags and more.



Before heading out to buy a pretty and versatile Cabinet with sink, please note the following features of this design that affect its longevity:

  • The product must be made of waterproof material. This is usually MDF, plastic, steel, glass, solid wood or chipboard. The resistance to moisture of each of these materials will be different, you need to consider when choosing.
  • If the Cabinet is treated with paint or varnish on the surface should be no scratches or smudges.
  • Accessories should be of high quality, and therefore preferable to chrome steel. If the handles and hinges on the purchased pedestal made of plastic with gold or silver-plated, it will quickly lose its initial appeal and will overwrite.
  • The sink should be no scratches, chips or cracks. Tapping on the item, you should hear a ringing sound (so you make sure that defects do not exist).




This vanity sink is the simplest and is represented by the furniture or on low legs or plinth. Outdoor tables are equipped with both doors and drawers. Chrome plated steel handles these cabinets blend perfectly with the same chrome faucet. The main advantages of this type of furniture in the bathroom – the practicality and sustainability. In addition, the outdoor tables are presented in a wide range and easily matched to any interior.




The difference between a Cabinet with a sink is a fixing on the wall using special pins. With hanging cupboard you will receive an original and exclusive interior. Besides, this kind of furniture model greatly simplifies the cleaning of the floor. Inside the Cabinet you can not only hide the pipes, but also to store household chemicals, various accessories, lingerie and many more depending on the size of the model. Often the design of such wall cabinets reinforced to the product was able to withstand and sink and all the contents of drawers or shelves.



This Cabinet is attractive and compact, so it is very popular when selecting the suitable furniture in bathroom small area. It is important that the corner of the bathroom was strictly 90 degrees, otherwise the product will fit snugly to the walls. Note that the angular variation of the pedestal may be mounted in the cabinets on legs.




For making tables, which are combined with sink, you can use the following materials:

Material Pros Disadvantages
Ceramics, porcelain and faience Resistance to mechanical stress;

Environmentally friendly;

Easy to care for

Have increased brittleness;

Different significant weight

Tree Prestigious and detailed appearance;

Thanks to special treatment is a moisture-resistant material, so it can be used for the production of cabinets, and sink

Use cautiously;

Lifespan is not very long

Artificial stone Endures changes in temperature, abrasion and exposure to chemicals;

Has a low porosity, so the shell of it easy to care for;

Due to the peculiarities of the production technology of shell is obtained with a perfectly smooth surface;

Has a high level of hygiene;

Looks like natural stone, but costs less;

With proper care serve a long time

The material is brittle, so there is a risk to break this shell;

The product is quite heavy

Plastic Is cheap;

Easy to care for;

Is quite a long time

Not too presentable;

Easy to scratch

Marble Distance imposing appearance, and durability High cost;

The porosity of such material is increased, so the resistance to moisture is low, and to care for such a sink is quite difficult

Glass Looks very attractive, so decorate the interior;

Endures changes in temperature and exposure to water;

Not bent over time;

Not afraid of household chemicals

Is quite expensive;

Often the shell is made of durable glass has a large mass

MDF and particleboard MDF is resistant to moisture;

Such materials are represented by many colors

Particleboard is less resistant to moisture material, so it is used mainly for case furniture to reduce the cost of product
Steel Features simple lines and perfectly suited to the style of hi-tech;

Will enjoy a long service life;

Caring for a bedside table with a wash basin is easy

Formed on the surface stains and stains that it is important to wipe





Popular sizes

All cabinets with sink, which is represented in the sale, it is possible with regard to their width divided by:

  1. Miniature. These include compact products of width less than 50 cm These tiny tables can have the width 35 cm, 40 cm or 45 cm most Often models for small bathrooms, due to the presence of tables which get additional storage of household chemicals and accessories.
  2. Average. This is the standard, easy to operate model width of 55-65 cm is these tables with sinks are presented the most extensive selection. They fit well in a small bathroom and quite spacious.
  3. Large. These include products with the width over 70 cm. These tables are mainly interested in the owners of spacious bathrooms. Model of a large size can have a width of 80 cm, 90 cm or more. The wash basin can be both broad and standard (combined with top). Also in this pedestal sink is double (two sinks), which is convenient for a large family.




Models with basket

Many modern cabinets with sink include a shopping cart which is easy to fold the contaminated linens. Model with basket is both floor and wall, and to open Cabinet can both forward and upward. Choosing the model of tables with this cart, it is important to ensure the strength of the basket, the water resistance of its material, as well as the convenience of opening..


Tips for choosing

  • First, determine the location for future tables with sink, then you can figure out the desired dimensions of the product. When calculating the dimensions of the cabinets don’t forget about the doors – if you want a model with drawers or hinged doors, make sure to open them, it will be convenient.
  • It is important to pay attention style decision tables with washstand and its color. It is important to choose the option that will look great in your bathroom very organic. Thus, choosing the color of the cabinets with a sink, keep in mind that the dark material drops and streaks will be visible to more than Mat light product.
  • Inspect the sink for the purchase. The wash basin must be combined with the other fixtures in the room, and his form with the size of the bathroom and design. It is important that the sink had the overflow, preventing flooding of the premises.
  • Ask, what additional accessories are provided in selected models of cabinets with a sink, because they make the product more functional.




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