Yakaboo sees a graphic story about the Ukrainian blackout and against the dark

On this Friday at Yakaboo Publishing, the documentary comic “BLACKOUT. Chronicles of our life at the hour of the war of Russia against Ukraine. The project of devotion to the resilience of Ukrainians, as if in spite of all the hardships of the war, it is inspiring to go to victory.
On the 23rd fall of 2022, after a massive missile attack, for the first time in the history of Ukraine, three nuclear power plants automatically sounded: Pivdennoukrainska, Khmelnytska and Rivnenska, which give half of the electricity generation in the country. Over 10 million Ukrainians were left without light for a day before the beginning of winter. The best Ukrainians were given the opportunity to adapt to new minds. The word Blackout appeared. For those that this term has a little more meaning, they themselves began to call it the day of electricity supply, which could last from many years to months in different regions of Ukraine.
In the Russian Federation, they thought that such a way could be morally and physically evil for Ukrainians, but Ukrainians quickly learned to live with occasional accidents.
“We have become witnesses of stories about doctors, who happened to spend holidays without light, about the rare growths of the National Botanical Garden, which freeze through lack of heat, about men and their worldly power robots, like transformers that constantly cheered. We pulled on our foreheads to light the way home, we saved up water and canned food at home, ”the author of the project says.
It was the idea of creating a book, documenting what is happening in the country with us. Remember and explain what blackout means in the context of Ukraine.
About the author of the book that vidavnitstvo
The authors of the book are Ukrainian illustrators, co-founders of the Kiev visual studio Seri/Count Anya Ivanenko and Zhenya Polosina.
“Blackout is a subjective look at one or more concrete subdivisions. We tell you about a few months, for example, 2022 – the beginning of 2023, for a long time, some Ukrainians have been hit by the inclusion of light through rocket attacks from the side of Russia. From the first days of a large-scale invasion, we are trying to document what is most important. Fix your pobut, zamalovuemo feel like friends and acquaintances. Tsya book – tse speck in the sea dosvіdіv. We, of course, cannot understand everything that people experience in different little corners of the country, but we can tell stories that have become evidence of them, ”says Anya Ivanenko and Zhenya Polosina.
Anya Ivanenko and Zhenya Polosina
Yakaboo Publishing says: “The book about the blackout was created in the blackout and the story itself is also about it … We were most impressed by those painting in the corridors for the hour of attacks, if the authors at the skin of such a scene indicated below the hour and the number of missile launches: “22nd of July 2022 – 33 rockets”, “15th leaf fall 2022 – 96 rockets”… We marveled at the dates and wondered about ourselves, our experiences… This book is about skin Ukrainians, not about skin us. Now she will become the only witness to the integrity of the Ukrainian nation.”
The English version has already been replaced by the international partner of the publishing house, the British company Gardners. Tsya version of the book is seen in private, and for example, the grass is seen in the Ukrainian version.
On the site yakaboo.ua, you can already issue a resignation on the offending version, the first 100 reconciliations will be sent to the deputies with the autographs of Anna Ivanenko and Zhenya Polosina.