The jury of The Webby Awards named the nominees for victory

The jury of the largest Internet community The Webby Awards has announced the nominees for victory. Among them are Ukrainian projects.
Design agency of digital products Lazarev is fighting for help in the Corporate Communications category. The nominee for the award was the website for Web3 spilnoti, Kin Foundation.
The project O0 Design Spend with Ukraine was also taken to the final selection. A project of creations to promote the economy, spreading the light about cool Ukrainian brandy.
Kharkiv “Virtual LitMuseum” became another nominee in the category “Apps, dApps and software security – art, culture and that kind” by the architectural bureau “Drozdov and Partners”.
The museum is an exact copy of the reconstruction of the Kharkov Literary Museum. The realistic 3D space of the mobile zastosunka is a price new format for the presentation of museum content and the presentation of online exhibitions, such as one-by-one video, animation and video, as well as non-standard approach to the demonstration of exhibits and interaction with the viewer.
How to vote:
→ go to The Webby Awards for promotions;
→ find the required project and press “VOTE”;
→ press “SIGN UP TO VOTE” again;
→ register via Facebook, Twitter or email.
Voting has already begun and three times until 20 April inclusive.
Look over other candidates.
The Webby Awards is the most prestigious award in the field of online projects and digital media.
Founded in 1996 to celebrate the birth of the Internet. Before the judging body of the competition, over three thousand Internet experts, young businessmen, mitts, celebrities and associate members, as well as many Webby supporters, nominees and other Internet professionals, will be included in the competition.
So far, The Webby Awards have received over 14,000 entries from over 70 countries on the planet.