
Mystetsky Arsenal will ask for an exhibition of the Ukrainian modern art “Form of Presence”

At the Mystetskyi Arsenal, an exhibition of the Ukrainian contemporary art “Forms of Presence” was shown – a selection of warnings and rozm about the facts, considerations and practices, which served as Ukrainian mitts and mystkin in the beginning of a large-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The exhibition “Forms of Presence” presents the works of Ukrainian artists and artists: Yuri Bolsi, Andriy Denisenka, Anastasia Ditsio and Sasha Roshen, Anton Karyuk, Yani Kononova, Olenya Kurzel, Maksim Mazur, Dar’ya Molokoydova, Troy Nemirovskogo, Karinitsenka, Leo Sinitsa , Tamari Turlyun, Sanya Shakhmuradova-Tanskoy, Vitaliy Yankovy, Three rights to realism, commercial public art and Svitlanka Konoplyova, Open place.

In the expanse of the exhibition of leathers from the authors present not only through the work, but through the power of history. After different experiences, what Ukrainian artists experienced with the beginning of a large-scale invasion, in their creations one can remember the songs of the bedrooms of rice: heavy to manual work, streamer of color din, turmoil, need the speed of the method and the hardness of the choice.

“Through the work of mitzvahs, that mystkin can be expanded, as if changing the space of a dovkol, adopting sonorous speeches by yourself. More than that, when we destroy and forcefully, we continue to create and harden our presence,” said Natasha Chichasova, the exhibition’s spokesperson.

In the midst of the endless flow of expenses, hope does not fade, and the skin of us, who, having spent, continue to be in the dream, even out of the blue, so that we can then go to the new physical and breathe again on the streets of the native place.

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