What is the freshest modern kitchen design of 2019

The kitchen is a special place in the house, which is associated not only with the process of cooking, but also a lot of positive emotions, energy charge, incomparable minutes of joint tea drinking with the family, which, of course, is remembered for a long time and brings only a good mood. That is why it is very important to create a modern kitchen design for 2019, which would be pleasing to the eye and would be the embodiment of the dream of an ideal place in accordance with the individual preferences of the hostess.
Modern kitchen design 2019: main trends
Modern design solutions for interior design of residential premises offer to use strictly laconic and restrained accents for the kitchen. Welcome any lack of excesses, all kinds of multiple decorative details of decoration and interior decoration. Everything should be simple and elegant. The main emphasis is on environmental friendliness and naturalness, and this applies to both colors and shades, and to the materials used. Thus, the modern design of the kitchen in 2019 dictates the maximum proximity to everything natural, simplicity and elegance, including everything from materials to the latest lines and shapes.
However, along with the exterior finish of the kitchen, of paramount importance is its functionality, which should be emphasized. Household appliances, kitchen comfortable and roomy furniture, convenient location of available items in combination with secondary decor items create a stylistic image of the kitchen in accordance with the requirements and individual preferences of the hostess. In 2019, special emphasis will be placed on the simplicity of kitchen utensils and furniture. The main condition is that the kitchen was not heavily overloaded with all sorts of devices, and available should be strictly functional.
As for the colors, in 2019 will be welcomed, light colors and shades, without bright, egregious accents. This trend fits into the framework of naturalness and naturalness of the whole atmosphere in the kitchen. On the other hand, the color scheme of the kitchen space should be in harmony with the interior of the whole house, to be a part of it.
Thus, we can conclude that the modern design of the kitchen 2019 highlights the principle of maximum proximity to all natural and natural and the minimum number of bulky, minor details in the interior. The main focus is on functionality.