Interior design

“Bold” color palette in the interior of a Parisian apartment

Sophisticated color scheme is always a challenge for the designer. Because even a small accent color can emphasize the dignity of the interior, and completely spoil it. French designer véronique Cotrel was (Veronique Cotrel) is not afraid to work with color, she skillfully combines in its interior the perception of shades.

The owners are quite satisfied with the internal structure of the rooms: high ceilings, large almost to the floor Windows, the serial arrangement, so to change anything they wanted, but only to emphasize the dignity of the room.

To do this the designer decided by color. The base interior was a light gray color, and as accent Veronique chose a deep shade of dark blue for the living area, and rich wine hue for the input group.

A contrasting shade is present in small proportions adjusted: on the “crossroads” of the combined rooms, therefore, emphasizes the special structure of the premises.

Strict and creative living room design dilutes the subtle mixture of elements, stucco, satin gloss marble (fireplace and countertops), vintage furniture in rich shades of salmon and violet tones, and a modern sculptural dining set. All pieces of furniture are in perfect harmony with each other to form a refined interior.

Another place worthy of attention — the entrance. The entrance was very large, but devoid of any functionality. The designers slightly reduced the area due to what were organized storage system.

Vintage mirror in the wall, the owners decided to leave, so he decided to Refine it with brass elements. From the main light also decided to abandon in favor of a graceful brass chandeliers. So the image appears to be complete and balanced.

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