Beautiful home decor

Beauty – a great force, it is difficult not to agree. Especially important are aesthetics in a residential area. Aesthetics in tandem with comfort, creates the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay in the house. For decoration of houses use fabric upholstery, carpets, curtains, covers, curtains, paintings, tapestries, mirrors, lamps, vases, sculptures, bas-reliefs, paintings, plants and more.
In the interior there are both mandatory elements of decor: curtains, mirrors, carpets, lamps, and purely individual, the choice of which depends primarily on the taste and personal preferences of the owner of the house.
Decoration of the house is carried out at the final stage of the device of the dwelling, but the style direction of the interior is planned at an earlier stage, before furnishing the room. Equipping your home, it is better to use the services of a professional decorator, but if You want to furnish your home yourself, listen to our advice on the decor of living space.
Do not use in large rooms a lot of small decorative details – thus burdening the space, You create the impression of disorder and clutter. Two or three large objects of the original design – sculpture, vase and painting – look more advantageous and emphasize the amount of space.
The color palette of most flooring is limited (except linoleum), so to diversify the situation feel free to use the tracks and carpets. With their help, You will not only decorate, but also divide the room into separate functional areas.
Choosing a picture in the room, first of all consider its color scheme – it should be in harmony with the rest of the interior.
Using color, remember that light colors visually expand, and black – compress space.
To focus on a particular detail of the interior, install a separate lighting for it.
The main condition for successful decoration is moderation. Don’t aim to turn your home into an art gallery or Museum. After all, the rule “less is better” has not been canceled.