Loans from individuals: obtaining a loan in US dollars at a non-banking institution

The need for money can arise suddenly. For example, a person plans to open a business, quickly carry out repairs or take care of health. Those who are abroad do not always manage to contact an official financial institution. The Loans from individuals portal was created so that lenders and borrowers can meet directly without intermediaries.
Under what conditions can you get a loan on the Loans from individuals platform
Ukrainians living in the USA legally enjoy the same rights as residents of the country: they have the right to work, study, and take out loans. Income, age, credit history (or lack thereof) and other parameters are not always satisfied by banking organizations. That is, banks cannot approve a loan or issue it for a much smaller amount than the borrower expected. The portal
Each financial person who offers funds on credit issues them on their own terms. You can get acquainted with them on the website. The details of the agreement are clarified through correspondence or thanks to a phone call. However, it is possible to single out the general conditions for obtaining a loan in
American currency:
• There are no subscriptions. You need to make monthly payments according to the schedule.
• Remote issuance is possible without the need to go to the office. Funds are transferred to the recipient’s bank details.
• A more favorable interest than in banks: from 0.5% to 5% on the balance of debt funds.
• Issuance of credit on individual terms for each request: with bad credit history, no credit history, financial burden, number of dependent minors, etc.
• The age of the borrower is 19-85 years.
• Loan amount from $1,000 to $800,000 for a term of 3 months to 15 years.
• Loan issuance on the day of application.
• Quick answers and solutions. Applications are accepted 24/7.
Is it possible not to pay a loan from a non-banking institution?
People who receive money from banks or microcredit companies sign a credit agreement that clearly states the consequences of late payment of obligations. Law firms sue the debtor and thus receive funds (enforcement of debt through bailiffs). Despite the fact that private offers are published on the
Funds are issued under a receipt, which is a legal document. In case of violation of the agreement, the creditor has legal grounds to apply to the court.