Modern boudoir. 21 photos

So, what is the most popular hybrid of bedroom and boudoir? In addition to the mandatory bed for the bedroom in this space there is at least a mirror with a console or dressing table, as well as a Ottoman or chair. If the area allows, in the women’s corner there is a place for a second chair, a couch and a coffee table or acting as a colorful chest.
So, what is the most popular hybrid of bedroom and boudoir? In addition to the mandatory bed for the bedroom in this space there is at least a mirror with a console or dressing table, as well as a Ottoman or chair. If the area allows, in the women’s corner there is a place for a second chair, a couch and a coffee table or acting as a colorful chest. One thing but: in the bedroom to make friends somehow indecent, so this solution is suitable for those who need a boudoir for relaxation and beauty guidance. To equip this territory for reception of close friends it is possible in one case — if the bed becomes imperceptible. For example, it can be hidden in a niche or hidden behind a screen. Especially that last in fashion today. In addition, the screens are very functional, because they allow you to zone the room, and when the need for this disappears, it can be removed.
If guests ‘ visits to the chamber area are not included in your plans, you can, on the contrary, focus on the bed, making it in the Palace style. It is enough to hang over the bed canopy of flowing fabric, securing it with a ceiling structure on special rails.
And yet the main piece of furniture in the boudoir — dressing table. Today, manufacturers offer many different models of such furniture. Differing externally, they must meet three requirements: required mirror (and better not one), lighting and a lot of drawers and lockers for ladies ‘ items.
It is convenient when it is possible to rotate and tilt the mirror. It allows a woman to see herself from different angles. Therefore, to use a dressing table with a large mirror is much more convenient than a table with one canvas. Moreover, behind the narrow side mirrors there is enough space for niches with shelves. The sub-floor of such furniture can be equipped with a pair of drawers. Sometimes in the dressing tables there are boxes, inside upholstered in fabric — they are ideal for storing jewelry.
When choosing a table it makes sense to sit down in front of him and see how convenient it is to use it. You also need to imagine in advance whether the subject of this style and size in the room. So, a massive table will look foreign in a tiny room.
An important point is the lighting of the dressing table. It is advisable to place this piece of furniture near the window to see your reflection in natural light. Otherwise, the skin color will be distorted. But, since a woman often needs to freshen up early in the morning or late at night, you need to equip a table and additional lighting. Illumination should not be done from above, it is better to provide light sources on both sides of the mirror — then the face will not fall 55 shadows.
Modern boudoir
Quilted headboard by myself – wery interesting publication, how to made headboard.
“The room where the woman is capricious”
These words about … boudoir! The word “boudoir” was coined in the eighteenth century in France (no doubt husband) and means “room, where the woman is capricious”.
It was a room where ladies were cleaned up, kept the jewels and indulged his whims. They tried to make everything around beautiful.
Windows and beds, gorgeous rich fabrics – velvet, lace and silk. The pillow beckoned to rest, and the smell of perfume permeated the air. In true boudoir was a woman and a man, invited to this women’s territory, was completely in her power.
Use old furniture for your Decorating Ideas!