New life strarik sewing machines. 20 examples

The bases of the old sewing machines are of interest for interior designers, lovers of original things. They, you see, look elegant and expensive. There is something very attractive in their solidity.
People with a good imagination are able to make of the stanin that your heart desires: exclusive furniture, coasters, barbecues, chairs, benches. And it will always look good. Certainly not boring.
Take the bed and countertop – get a table or a small table, or console. The table top can be glass, and wood, and marble. Color, thickness, shape, material — a matter of taste and purpose. On top of the frame can be a box or drawers.
Often use two frames at the same time, or divide one forged base and push the resulting parts, fixing them with a crossbar.
If, inspired by these photos, you also want to give new life to vintage things, then, they say, you can find old sewing machines on Bulletin boards on the Internet.
Many of us have an old sewing machine that we inherited from our grandmothers. This is a beautiful pieces of the history. If you don’t use a sewing machine you can repurpose it. For example, you can make it sink, it will look amazingly stylish and chic. Another way is to make cars Desk. We present you 20 amazing examples of how to bring back life to an old machine. Enjoy …
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