46 ideas turn an old Cabinet with Wallpaper

If your apartment has a wardrobe or a rack, which cause yearning for from a single glance at them, it’s time to think about upgrading. With wooden furniture, it’s much easier, you can paint or restore the original appearance through restoration.
But the reality is that most furniture today is made from particle Board or MDF as it is cheap materials, compared with natural wood and accordingly the demand for them is higher. Such furniture today we take a basis for the decor.
to update your closet with Wallpaper
Crafts, Vintage, Tips, decor, Workshop, Furniture, Cheap, Before and After, Interior
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If your apartment has a wardrobe or rack, which causes anguish with a single look at it, it’s time to think about updating. With wooden furniture is much easier, it can be painted or restore the original appearance, by restoration.
But the reality is that most of the furniture today is made of chipboard or MDF, as it is cheap materials, compared with natural wood and, accordingly, the demand for them is higher. Today we will take such furniture as a basis for decoration.
The advantages of the decor by using Wallpaper:
The remnants of Wallpaper there is always and everywhere;
But if there are no residues – for decoration will be more than one roll that will not empty your budget;
Using PVA Wallpaper glued on chipboard or MDF;
At first glance, inexpensive renovation of furniture, but betrays her amazing vintage charm.
Already inspired? Then let’s take a closer look.
Cabinet with doors
Doors – the most important element that is always in sight. They can be decorated with the same style of Wallpaper, and different, get analog patchwork quilting.
Flower beds of gabions
Pros decor using Wallpaper
1. Remnants of Wallpaper is always and everywhere;
2. But if no residue – the decor is more than enough of a roll that will not devastate your budget;
3. Using PVA Wallpaper glued on chipboard or MDF;
4. At first glance, cheap renovation, but that gives them a wonderful vintage charm.