Flower, garden decor ideas

THE ENTRANCE TO THE HOUSE. 40 ideas of the arrangement of the business cards of your home

The first thing that catches our eye when looking at the facade of a private house is his porch or, at least, the front door. From the fact that the main entrance to the building is decorated, all the impression about the exterior of the whole house is formed. As a rule, when designing the porch, the same building and finishing materials are used as in the whole building. The color palette of the entrance to the private house can differ from the chosen scale of the whole structure, in case it was decided to make the accent of the exterior, highlight. But more often, however, you can see the porch, repeating the elements of decor and color palette all the structure of a private house. Below are different ideas for your entrance to the house.

The design of the entrance to the house is an important aspect, because it will not only produce a beneficial effect on others, but also will please the owners. From the design of the entrance to the house depends not only on the first impression of the owners, their accuracy and hospitality, but also about the home too. The entrance is like the face of your home, it makes it unique and individual. Non-standard design of the entrance will give your home special features, make it different from other houses and decorate it. Improperly decorated entrance can not only spoil the appearance of the house, but also to make a negative impression about its residents.

entrance to the house stairway

Options for registration of the entrance to the house can be a lot, it all depends on your imagination and design fiction. After all, the front door of a country house can be made more original than the door of a city apartment. Usually the house is surrounded by greenery, which in itself will become an element of the interior of the site, and will give the house a kind of flavor, make it unique.

Choosing an interior for an entrance it is necessary to consider forms, color and details of the house that they were interconnected with its appearance and architecture, and were uniform. The color of the entrance canopy should be performed according to the General color scheme of the house. On registration it is possible to define desire of the owner to give to the dwelling a certain character, to emphasize its solidity or can show extravagance, or on the contrary coldness and efficiency.

There are the most common options for registration of the entrance to the house, which should stop, but they can be upgraded to your taste and desire. Common to all is that the elements of their design can be applied both in complex and separately from each other.

Quite popular entrance area with a fence of metal construction of a semicircular shape. Often these designs are complemented by a roof made of Plexiglas. This design looks good and at the same time serves as a trellis for climbing plants: ivy, clematis or wild grapes. Often the entrance to the country house is decorated in the style typical of rural houses. This style is typical on both sides of the trellis for creeping vines, flower in the form of a pyramid and, of course, the door cornice, which is designed in the traditional style of a lantern. And how good is the entrance, decorated with an arch and side trellises. In this case, the symmetry of the entrance area beautifully accentuate the tubs with boxwood, and decorative ivy will be good not only in summer but also in winter will have a special charm. Who likes to experiment, you can arrange the entrance to the house in the style of the Far East. Very stylish and unusual will look unusual gate and unusual shape of the track, lined with stones of different shapes and sizes. If this option is not acceptable to you, it is unusual and original to look the entrance area, designed in the Mediterranean style. Distinguish this input will be columns that can perform both a constructive function and decorative. To complete the influence of Mediterranean traditions will help clay vases and mosaic of pebbles. Creative people can try to diversify the design of the entrance and create their own image of decoration, which will only emphasize the originality of the entrance area and will be able to emphasize its uniqueness.

Beautifully decorated entrance, it does not mean that it is necessarily expensive. There are many tricks that will help beautifully and originally decorate the entrance area of the house. Applying the main directions and adding a little imagination and hard work, and combining it all together, you can realize any architectural idea, and your entrance will be a subject of admiration and pride.

entrance to the house wood stone


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