Mini vegetable garden in containers

Very often the garden as a separate element of the garden is not needed. In a small space makes no sense to make beds if the owners want to grow, for example, only the greens. Scented plants can be planted directly in containers: vases, wicker baskets, ceramic boxes, decorative pots, etc. They will decorate the area, a summer kitchen, the entrance, stairs or patio.
Cultivation of vegetable and spice plants in different containers is possible wherever there is a sun-drenched window sills, stairs or patio. It could be a balcony or even the roof of the house. The containers with plants revive, pavers, fill the blemishes in the flower beds. That is, to find a place for containers is always possible. Their big advantage is that they are mobile. They can be moved from place to place, to make the different composition and, if necessary, easily replaced by some other containers.
In containers and flower pots can be grown not only ornamental plants. Planting tomatoes, herbs and some flowers in pots, you will get not only aesthetic pleasure, but also a generous harvest. Containers with such plants put near the kitchen, on the terrace or balcony. It is important that the place was Sunny and protected from the wind.
Tomato bushes can fall apart as they grow, especially during fruiting. Therefore, after planting seedlings in the pot, install it support. To do this, use a ready-made purchased support or make it yourself. Stick a few wooden pegs or sticks around the tomato and pull a cloth tape or soft twine around them. With the support do not be late, as later, the roots of tomatoes grow, and creating a support, you can easily damage it.
To tomatoes in a pot fruited abundantly, they need to be fertilized every two weeks. Use organic and mineral fertilizers alternately.
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