Ideas for velohora

The desire for a healthy lifestyle, and even more so — many kilometers of traffic jams, in which motorists stand for hours, encourage people determined and unshielded to get bicycles. Someone’s using them to go to work. Someone is seriously interested in Cycling in their spare time, someone is engaged in extreme sports – Cycling, mountain bike… And all of them need somewhere to store their Bicycle equipment, especially if it is some lightweight model of the latest composite materials, standing as though used, but it is a driving machine of foreign production.
Historically, in Europe, the place ended earlier, and there has long been seriously thinking about the fate of the cyclist and his means of transportation. And they thought not in the sense of “to cut off his money for something”, but in the sense of creating a more comfortable and safe environment for cyclists. Developed infrastructure, production of related products — from Cycling helmets and Cycling uniforms to glasses and flasks, promotion of healthy lifestyles, legislative initiatives — all contributed to the formation of the picture that has developed in developed European countries to date. Dedicated bike paths, where there are no cars and pedestrians, numerous Bicycle rental at an affordable price, Bicycle Parking, even individual Bicycle! At first, everyone more or less artistically made a garage for a Bicycle with their own hands, and then it was done by small (and now not only small) private firms that have their own design offices, and in the end it turned out something not only functional, but also quite aesthetically complete.
In particular, in the assortment range there are as quite compact “Velocimetry” folding bikes, full garage type BikeBox 3, where you can “Park” any bike. And given its size (length — 2 m, height — almost one and a half), in the presence of a special rod in this garage, you can place several bicycles — however, certain models.
In our country, such a wonderful house for bicycles is unlikely to please the eyes of passers — by for a long time-such innovations are introduced with a well-audible creak, as well as a crack — if in conditions of limited visibility they do not get their own feet…
Beds photo ideas