Decorative cabbage: flowering containers and flower beds to deep frost

If you have never heard of decorative cabbage, then, seeing this culture, you might think that this is one of the most beautiful flowers, in no way inferior to the queen of flowers – a rose. Decorative cabbage has become an adornment of gardens and historical parks of European cities. If you want to create in your garden an unusual and very beautiful, try to create a flower bed, where this plant dominates. Decorative cabbage in the flower garden looks royal, especially if its location is right.
Wild cabbage, which later became decorative, was grown in Ancient Greece as a forage crop, but its bright beautiful leaves, so reminiscent of flower petals, attracted the attention of gardeners, and cabbage gradually became a decoration of gardens, courtyards and gardens.
Your flower bed will find its beauty by the end of summer, when the leaves of cabbage zapestryat bright colors – pink, pale yellow, purple, Burgundy. Even one such plant can decorate a small tub or pot, and if you create a flower bed from them – you can admire it endlessly.
Light frosts that occur in September, this plant is not a hindrance, its colors are only more saturated and its charm cabbage retains until the first cold.
Compositions in vases, pots and containers
Rosy “flower” cabbage in a vase, a wooden tub or a large ceramic pot will decorate a place to relax, a barbecue area, place the two pots symmetrically at the track, and it will look elegant and solemn. The original garden composition — decorative cabbage in a wooden barrel.
You can place it anywhere, as long as the plant was enough sun, depending on the size of the container, you can plant it in one or more plants of the same color and several colors. You can combine cabbage with other plants – it goes well with ivy, begonia with small flowers and leaves. Along the path, the benches can be placed containers for paved areas, planted in them decorative cabbage. Plants in pots and vases need good watering and fertilizing, ideally they need to be watered every other day, and such care can be provided only if you constantly live in the house or in the country.
Mini vegetable garden