Room design

Children’s room design for girls: photo ideas for stylish interior design

The design of the room of a child – a natural, zesty enterprise, but very responsible. It is necessary to carefully select finishing materials, design and style solution, furniture and decor elements. In the article we will consider how to create a cozy design of a children’s room for a girl: photos, tips on choosing color and style, furniture arrangement, how to find the optimal combination of practicality, safety, environmental friendliness and cost of interior items, taking into account the preferences and tastes of the child.

When making a child must take into account the tastes of the child

Take into account the age of the child in the design of the nursery: photo rooms for girls

The main criterion for choosing a child’s design is the age of the child, this is due to the level of independence of the girl, as well as her certain Hobbies and skills to date. In addition, there are other nuances that must be considered when planning the future of the interior:

  1. area of the room and its configuration;
  2. availability and number of Windows, doors, openings;
  3. the location of the child relative to the cardinal points;
  4. one girl or several sisters will live in the room;
  5. Hobbies, interests and Hobbies of the child;
  6. the character and temperament of the daughter;
  7. General style of other rooms of the house or apartment;
  8. the budget allocated by parents for arrangement of the nursery.

Design for the little ones: photos of children’s rooms for babies up to 1 year

Room for a baby girl up to 1 year is made, as a rule, the taste of the parents, as the child is not interested in the color and pattern of Wallpaper, design, curtains, furniture, etc. the Main requirement in this case – a comfortable and healthy climate, and the presence of a large amount of sunlight. It is recommended to create a bright room for the baby and not to overload it with various parts on which dust can settle.

In the room furniture is important to place carefully so that parents have access to the crib, changing table, place for feeding. It is also important that there is free space for the simultaneous stay of several adults in the girl’s room.

Laconic design of the room for a girl under 1 year

Good advice! Paint the walls of the room in a solid light (beige, milk or soft coffee) color. Subsequently, with the growth of the girl, they can be decorated with various options – art painting, drawings of the child, colored palm prints, paintings, frames with mirrors, stickers with characters of favorite cartoons or fairy tales, etc.

It is worth remembering that making room baby, you create a basic design for the next 3-4 years. You can buy a children’s room for girls “to grow up”, and add elements of furniture as needed. It is obvious that the purchased materials for decoration, textiles, furniture and decorative items should be environmentally friendly and safe for health.

A small chest will be enough to store baby’s things

Furnishings required in the baby’s room up to 1 year:

  1. cot;
  2. changing table;
  3. chest of drawers for storage;
  4. chair for parents.

Repair of a nursery for the girl of 1-4 years

In the nursery for girls from 1 year to 4 years the bulk of the space you want to allocate to the area for games. The floor must be warm – the child at this age are already crawling and walking. Cork floor soft carpet with bright ornaments will be in this case a great option. In addition to the bed and wardrobe in the room should be a place for creativity, for example, a table, an easel, interactive educational toys, etc.

The main place in the room of a child 1-4 years old is given to the area for games

All functional areas should be illuminated as much as possible, so it is unlikely to be limited to one common light source even in a small room. Mandatory presence of a night light – it can be a desktop product in the form of a cartoon character or a device inserted directly into the outlet. Both options are perfect for a girl’s room. You can buy a night light in any electrical store.

Finishing materials for walls should be chosen taking into account the possibility of cleaning and washing – fingerprints of the child on them are inevitable. A great option can be wall paint or washable Wallpaper. More expensive, but more practical alternative – wall panels, which are distinguished by their environmental friendliness and ease of care.


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