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Pentagram created an identity for AI Cohere inspired by biology

Designers used natural motifs – cells, cells and honeycombs.

Natural language processing (the area of mathematical linguistics that gave birth to ChatGPT) is now on the rise. Italy banned ChatGPT this week as research showed the potential impact of AI on jobs, especially in the legal sector. At the same time, more and more companies are resorting to the possibilities of such tools.

Identity for Cohere
Image: Pentagram (

Pentagram partners Jody Hudson-Powell and Luke Powell have developed a new identity for Cohere, a text-generating artificial intelligence platform built specifically for businesses. Pentagram cites some examples of who can use it and how: “law firms that need to find specific information in hundreds of court documents” or “online communities that need to quickly find offensive or discriminatory rhetoric among millions of posts.” In particular, the services of the platform were used by Spotify.

Identity for Cohere
Image: Pentagram (

With the help of this identity, Pentagram is trying to break away from the stereotypical images that everyone uses in this area – 2D and geometric illustrations. Instead, designers focused on the usability of products.

Identity for Cohere
Image: Pentagram (

The new design is based on natural images, in particular the cells of living organisms. The team draws inspiration from biology, studying the visual language of cells, as well as the Voronoi diagram, whose geometric counterparts are found, for example, in giraffe hair and honeycombs.

Identity for Cohere
Image: Pentagram (

The new Cohere logo, consisting of the symbol and the name of the startup, also depicts honeycombs/cells/cells. The designers also developed a color palette, custom font, and icons for the platform.

Identity for Cohere
Image: Pentagram (

Identity for Cohere
Image: Pentagram (

Identity for Cohere
Image: Pentagram (


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